The Bangkok YMCA Foundation since its established in 1992, has operated several projects rendering the assistance to disadvantaged people, to those who are in troubles and have affected by social problems especially the commercial sexual exploitation of children and HIV/AIDS. The Bangkok YMCA Foundation has organized both programs for protection and solving the problems affected the children, youth, women and families in urban slum communities and in rural remote areas. There are working centers at Phayao (since 1993) and Nakorn Pathom (since 2000). 

This policy has been developed using the UN Convention Rights of Children and Thiland's Child Protection Act of 2003. All Foundation workers, Board of Directors, Sponsors, Donors and Volunteers who work in accordance with Bangkok YMCA Foundation much adhere to this policy.

The Bangkok YMCA Foundation is committed to fulfill its roles as a social service organization, providing opportunity for personal growth and civic responsibility to children, youth, adults and community regardless of age, gender, race, financial standing or religion.

YMCA states in Challenge 21 that each YMCA is called to focus on he "...advocating for and promoting the right of women and upholding rights of children"

The UN articule 19 of the UNCRC states that children should be protected from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect, negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including secual abuse, while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s), or any other persons who has the care of the child.

- Abuse
* Protect children from torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
* Causing or withholding things that are necessary for sustaining the life or health of a child under guardership; which would like to cause physical or emotional harm to a child

- Neglect and Exploitation
* Force threaten, induce, encourage, consent to, or act in any other way that results in a child becoming a beggar, living on street, or use a child for begging or committing crimes, or act in any way that results in the exploitation of a child
*  The abandonment of a child at any place with the intention of not taking him or her back
*  Neglect a child at any place without making the necessary safety protection or care exploitation
* Protect children from sexual exploitation and abuse including prostitution, child trafficking and involvement in pornography.
* The right to be protected from economic exploitation and from participating in work that threatens the health, education and development of a child
* Force, threaten, use, induce, coerce, promote or allow a childto play sports or anything characteristics of commercial exploitation where the growth and devel opment of a child is impeded on, or formulates an act of torture against the child

The Bangkok YMCA Foundation recognized its work with children and young people who are living in the risk and difficult circumstances of abuse and exploitation. To implement the Bangkok YMCA Foundation policy on Child Pretection, the standards in working with the children are set forth for any any personnerl as follow;

- Preventive Action for Foundation workers
* Recruitment of staffs/volunteers is required to carefully check the references and background to ensure that any staff recurited has not had any record of abusing children or anyone for that matter. 
* Training will be given to all staffs/volunteers including members on the Board to ensure their understanding and acknowledgement of Child Protection Ploicy. It is required for every personal to sign Code of Conduct on Child Protection.
*  Visitation from children's sponsors in the project will strictly follow Every Child's procedures.

- Action on knowledge campaign for the children and community
* Promotion of life-learning skills of children rights, human rights, reproductive rights, gender roles and secual rights.
* Support children participation through children council in case there is any abuse of power / force / threaten.
* Support and advocate the participation of community organization to prevent the occurrence of abuse and exploitation of children
* Training and strengthening of knowledge for watchdog volunteer groups in the community
* Promote spiritual development and maintain ethnic tradition, culture and alternative living.

- Action on abused child
* If there has been a case of abused children, staffs/volunteers should notify immediately to the project manager, the director of social development and to the general secretary in Bangkok office for proper action order. Meanwhile, the necessary actions should urgently take place.
* Bring the children to the doctor/hospital for physical examination and treatment.
* Contact parents/guardians/teacher and provide primary advice for legal assistance to the child's family.
* Participate the procedure or abused child investigation with police/committee for implementation of children victims
* Provide assistance to the child and follow uppthe familyand the child closely.

Bangkok YMCA Foundation top authority will be responsible for managing this policy. Staffs, Volunteers and Board of Directors are responsible for understanding and following this policy. If there is a concern in local area, it is imperative that the manager of the local office be notified. The local manager will then contact the top authority (President and General Secretary) in Bangkok for evaluation. If this policy is breached, the situation at hand will be investigated to determine if further action is necessary and if there is a penalty.

Each local office has detalied information regarding this policy. Bangkom YMCA Foundation will make every effort to guarantee the policies and standards are strictly followed to protect the children.